Sadly, math is perceived as one of the most difficult subjects to master. Children are almost "expected" to struggle with it and more often than not live up to this very negative expectation.
Math is not really the "enemy" here and if the child's "teacher" takes the time to present this awkward subject in a fun and interesting way there is no limit to what the child can learn and accomplish.
Like anything in life, all that we need is for someone to show us how it is done, in a way that we can understand. Once this has been achieved there is no more difficulty and success is guaranteed.

1. Build a good foundation
The first step of math tuition is knowing numbers and what they mean.
Begin by teaching your child to count from 0 to 9. Soon your child will begin to recognize numbers and notice them everywhere; on your clock, on the TV, in a book, etc. By knowing 0 - 9 your child will soon be recognizing and counting numbers to 100 and beyond, as all numbers are made up of these basic ones.
2. Teach your child what it means
Once your child can count their fingers, you can then teach them what it means in different contexts. You cannot just assume that they will know that one finger is the same as one slice of toast.
Make a game of it and see how many different types of things your child can count. Remember, you will have to teach them and remind them constantly, but by turning the whole process into a game your child will be learning without knowing that they are learning.
3. Use every opportunity to teach your child math
Next you can begin by teaching your child basic addition and subtraction. Begin by teaching them that one finger plus another finger makes two fingers.
Once your child begins to understand the concept, begin by applying it to household chores, for example, "Darling, please put one slice of bread in the toaster for Daddy and one slice for you. How many slices of toast must you put in the toaster?"
4. Use the language of math
Math has a specific language that uses terms like "plus", "minus" and "equals". Make sure that these are the terms that you use as this allows for a much smoother migration when teaching them advanced mathematics.
Remember to use whatever terms are relevant in your country or state.
5. Accelerated learning techniques
An accelerated learning technique is anything that helps your child to learn a subject faster, retain the information and allows your child to feel like they're not learning at all because it is so much fun.
There are few people who know about and use this incredible learning tool. I have used it very effectively to teach my 4-year-old son to count (and read the numbers) from 1 - 100 in less than 10 days. I have also used this technique to teach him addition and subtraction with incredible results.
6. Teach your child to play Chess
Recent scientific studies have shown that children who play Chess can have grades of up to 25% higher in math than their peers who do not play. Numerous studies have proven this effect and for this reason many countries and states have now adopted Chess as a mandatory part of their school math curriculum.
My husband plays Chess with my son regularly and he has so much fun that he often likes to play by himself too.
What better way to improve your child's mathematical ability then to teach them to play a game?
Teaching your home schooled preschooler math is a lot easier than you might imagine. We see numbers all around us and by following the simple steps above your child will learn to love math.
By establishing a love for math at an early age your child will never have to be confronted with the problems most children face in math class these days and math will be easy and fun forever more.
Click here to know more about preschool maths.
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