
Monday 14 September 2015

1st Grade Math - Ways to Help Your Child Love It

1st graders don't seem to have a very long attention span, especially when it comes to studying his or her 1st grade math lessons. Kids like to be outside playing the dirt or with their friends. That is why this article is going to talk about making 1st grade math fun and something your child will actually enjoy. The trick is to help your child get excited about learning and that is exactly what we are going to do.
Keep it Colorful:
Making math lively with pictures, characters and items are a great way to keep your 6 year old engaged. One program that is really great at keeping kids entertained while doing math is the Singapore math curriculum. This curriculum is known for teaching your child in a fun and exciting way, so your child doesn't get bored and tired of math.
Actually, the proof is in the testing. Singapore math students scored higher on math tests than with any other math curriculum. When your child's mind is stimulated with colors and pictures, they will be less likely to lose interest in learning.
Make Math a Game:
Every child enjoys a fun game so why not turn math into a game? If your current math curriculum does not offer games, it is easy to make up your own.
When your child learns 1st grade math in a game style curriculum, he or she doesn't even realize they're learning. Yes, it's perfectly acceptable to trick your child into learning math!
Who doesn't love to be rewarded for their efforts? Find a way to reward your child for their math efforts. You can use candy every time they get an answer right. I wouldn't suggest a big candy maybe one skittle or M&M per answer. Another way to reward your child is with a penny per right answer or something similar.
They will really like the fact that they are earning their rewards, and this will give them the motivation to learn 1st grade math. Children at this age really love to feel independent, and allowing them to earn extra allowance or treats is a great way to keep them interested and happy with their math lessons.
Tips for Keeping Your Child Interested in 1st Grade Math:
You know how difficult it can be to keep your child interested in learning when they find a subject boring. There are some great ways to spice up your lessons. Here are a few great tips for keeping that little one interested and enjoying the lesson.
- Use candy or other household items to represent numbers in math. You can use anything. Some favorites are jellybeans, Sweet Tarts, crayons, paperclips, cotton balls or anything else you can think of. This is a fun, hands on lesson trick that will keep your child from getting bored.
- Convert the problems into word problems for them, using the members of your family. For example: 3+2= can be, "If Mommy, Daddy and (Child) were making dinner, and Grandma and Grandpa came over to eat with us, how many plates would we need at the table?" This is one good way to ensure that your child is having a good time.
- Use tickles for numbers as well. Three tickles minus one is...and make sure you get the tickle spot!
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